The past few days have been busy times for me. Practically every single day, there's someone to meet up with....someone to entertain.... not that I'm complaining, hehe.
If you scroll down....just 2 entries ago, I was complaining about how booring and lonely it is to be back home in Kuching.
Then, this week, actually not long after I made that post....things took a 360 degree turn. I was being kept occupied every single day.
On Wednesday and Thursday... my cousin brought two Japanese friends over to Kuching, it was my job to organize their Kuchng trip. You see, my cousin went to Japan as part of a Youth Exchange programme for one month recently. And now, one of her hosting families came over to stay at her place. and because Sibu is a small town, it was planned for them to come over to Kuching.
Anyways, with Uncle David doing all the driving, and me the planning......we brought them to places such as the Sarawak Musuem, the pottery factory, the Sarawak Cultural village.....and last but not least...Damai Beach! Haha.
Then yesterday, I met up with Gillian, one of my friends when I was in UK. *Hey, if you're reading give a shoutout ya! ;)
And today.....managed to meet up with Lynn Xuan. Hope you enjoyed the free facial!! ;)
And tomorrow, I'm heading back to KL, for the start of a brand new semester. I'm so not looking forward to doing AIR topics, PBLs, catching up with lectures.....
But nevermind, I have friends and housemates to help me get through this.
I feel loved :D
p.s. My camera ran out of battery. And I still haven't really figured out how to transfer pictures from hp to camera. So photos will come in later.
p.p.s Comments are very much appreicated! I wonder how many of my batchmates actually read my blog. *points to the previous post* ;)
If you scroll down....just 2 entries ago, I was complaining about how booring and lonely it is to be back home in Kuching.
Then, this week, actually not long after I made that post....things took a 360 degree turn. I was being kept occupied every single day.
On Wednesday and Thursday... my cousin brought two Japanese friends over to Kuching, it was my job to organize their Kuchng trip. You see, my cousin went to Japan as part of a Youth Exchange programme for one month recently. And now, one of her hosting families came over to stay at her place. and because Sibu is a small town, it was planned for them to come over to Kuching.
Anyways, with Uncle David doing all the driving, and me the planning......we brought them to places such as the Sarawak Musuem, the pottery factory, the Sarawak Cultural village.....and last but not least...Damai Beach! Haha.
Then yesterday, I met up with Gillian, one of my friends when I was in UK. *Hey, if you're reading give a shoutout ya! ;)
And today.....managed to meet up with Lynn Xuan. Hope you enjoyed the free facial!! ;)
And tomorrow, I'm heading back to KL, for the start of a brand new semester. I'm so not looking forward to doing AIR topics, PBLs, catching up with lectures.....
But nevermind, I have friends and housemates to help me get through this.
I feel loved :D
p.s. My camera ran out of battery. And I still haven't really figured out how to transfer pictures from hp to camera. So photos will come in later.
p.p.s Comments are very much appreicated! I wonder how many of my batchmates actually read my blog. *points to the previous post* ;)
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