Tuesday, September 11, 2007


I just have to write this post today- since it's the date.

It was exactly 6 years ago. The date was September 11th, 2001.
Just another day, just another ordinary day. The weather was almost perfect- with clear blue skies.
New Yorkers- well known for their fast-paced lifestyle, are already up and about- driving to work, going to school, getting prepared for another routine day.

Then, it happened. At first glance, it looked just like a scene from an action movie. Two airplanes have crashed into the World Trade Centre! The famous landmark building is now being engulfed in smoke and flames. It all happened so fast, without any warning.
Suddenly, the entire city came to a standstill. The city, and then the entire world watched in horror as the whole building collapsed. Then came the news that two more planes have crashed, one at the Pentagon and the other (supposedly targeting the White House) crashed at rural Pennyslavania.

Thousands of innocent lives, both of the flight passengers and people on ground have been lost. People weeping over the loss of their loved ones. Where is humanity? Where is the love? What warrants such cruel act of terrorism? What has the world come to?

But through it all, there were some blessings in disguise.
Stories about brave firemen risking their lives to save others.
Diverse America coming together. People of all races, black or white, Latino or Asian, joining forces for the war against terrorism. The whole world united together in one mission- to counter terrorism.
From the bad emerges the good.
Slowly but surely, the country is regaining its strength. People would go on with their lives, the Trade Centre would be rebuilt. But the date 9/11 would never be forgotten.
Although all these events happened within the period of a few hours, the implications would last for a lifetime and beyond. The story and the message behind it, and the lessons learnt would be passed on for many more generations. That fateful day has been marked in history.


LX said...

I remember that time I heard the news over Capital FM (London radio subscribed by Brunei). It sounded such a havoc in the background, I thought it was war world 3 or what!

AiLing said...

I remember first seeing it as 'breaking news' on TV. I initally thought that it was just another action movie. Imagine my horror upon discovering that it was real!