Friday, October 12, 2007

You know you're a medic student when.....

I got this from zzzyun's blog.....and thought it to be rather amusing....

1) You have ever said "Netter is god"
Huh? What's that?!
eta : ooh....I just finally realized what...or rather who....Netter is. Is it referring to Frank Netter, who drew all the complete anatomy drawings and produced the complete 'Atlas of Clinical Anatomy" ( or something like that). I have the book, but it's to complicated to follow! Maybe good for pbls....especially with Htin Aung....*winks

2) You can discuss autopsy/ anatomy over a meal
Ummm.....not really. I don't have a problem with doing so though.

3)You own a 4 color pen
Nope, just 2- blue and black

4) You use more than one color to take notes
Nope. I'm lazy.......

5) You have used up more than 6 highlighters in the past 6 months
I guess so....but don't we all? ;)

6) You have even highlighted something YOU wrote

7)You retype handouts given in class
Haha, if only I have the patience and time to do that. There was a time I did try to rewrite the lecture notes. But didn't last long.

8) You haven't had a date in 3 months
I never had a date before in my life. Pathetic right?

9) You haven't had a date since entering med school
Please refer to above.

10) You have not been able to remember the normal term for something because you were thinking of the medical term (ie reflux for heartburn) -
Hmm....maybe it did happen to me before, but I forgot....

11) You get more sleep in lecture than at home
I'm glad to say that I do pay attention to lectures nowadays

12) You know the correct spelling for pruritus
Is it 'puritus' or 'pruritus?'

13) You also know what it means
Haha, yeah, I know what it means. Acute inflammation and neutrophils come into mind.

14) You have ever asked a question in class
I never had the guts to do so :( In front of a class of 167 students

15) The prof. didn't understand the question
Sometimes people find it hard to understand me.

16) You didn't believe the answer the prof. gave
We have to learn to trust those more experienced than us!

17)You went to look it up to see if they were right
I wouldn't be bothered to do so, hahah

18)You can't hold a conversation on anything other than medschool
Actually, come to think of it, it might be quite true....although of course not all the time. I use goings on around the uni as a conversation stimulator.

19) You skip class to study
I used to do so in school,. but because now it's 2 lectures per day, seldom.

20) You've said you didn't do well on a test on which you beat the mean
Hah, I wish I can beat the mean! Well, I did once only, and I was pretty honest than.

21) You spend more than 15 hrs a week on e-mail
E-mail, no. Internet yes.

22) You have a callous on your finger from writing
Yes! My middle finger on my left hand

23) More than one professor know you by name
I try to keep myself very low profile

24) When you ask a question, a new professor has said "Oh, I've heard of you"

25) You can name more amino acids than past presidents

26) You use more than 5 acronyms an hour when talking
Yes! I think every IMU student the same.

27)You actually know what PERRLA stands for
Nope! Sorry....

28) You know all the steps of the TCA cycle
Have learnt that before, but kindof forgotten.....I hate biochemistry!

29) You do not read PTA as parent teachers association -
I read it as Persistent Truncus Arteriosus :D

30) You can remember the muscles in the forearm
Umm.....biceps? triceps? Deltoid?

31) You know the structures in the urea cycle -
as I said.....I hate biochem!!

32) You know the dermatome distribution
Nope, I don't know what is dermatome

33) You can't remember what you had for breakfast
Well, I do remember that I skipped usual.....

34) You can'3t spell world, much less backwards
World. Dlrow.There you go.

35) You've ever been sexually aroused by the breast shadow on an X-ray
I don't know about guys, but I'm a girl, so no.

36) You equate "morning stiffness" with Rhematoid Arthritis
Ummm.....not really, although it could very well be a symptom...

37) You actually know normal values for plasma Na

38) Missing class causes you extreme stress
Umm....not really....

39) You have seriously asked someone "So how does that make you feel?"
I'm not a very straightforward person.

40) You have asked will this be on the exam

41) Just after the prof. said it wouldn't
More like before.

42) You identify with Deb on E.R.
I don't watch E.R. Oh....and neither do I watch 'Grey's Anatomy'.

43)You have made a medical joke
I can't make jokes :p

44) no one laughed
People seldom laugh at my lame jokes

45) You wear your stethescope around your neck on the bus --
I don't like to show off, so no.

46) You don't even know which way the thing goes in your ears -
Omg, I admit that I actually didn't know until the long holidays when I practised taking BP

47) "SOB" means shortness of breath to you
SOB also means Shine On Brightly!!!

48) You have gone to student health with suspicion of a disease you have studied -
Hehe, refer to my blog post a few posts back.... ;)

49) within 3 days of the lecture
Refer above

50) You have answered a question in class - nope
asked by the professor - I'm not that smart

More to come!!!


LX said...

Wah this is good!

Anonymous said...

Here are some of my responses:
1. I donno what "Netter is god" means either!
2. Conversations get even more disgusting when you're a pathologist. You know it's bad when fellow non-pathology medical people start getting disgusted at your stories!
3. 4 colour pens are too fat - uncomfortable to write with!
13. Err...Ailing, actually "pruritus" means itchy skin. Nothing to do with neutrophils...can get it in chronic inflamm conditions also
27. PERLA stands for "pupils equal and reactive to light and accommodation"
28. I know I'm out of touch with clinical work, but I don't think I've ever heard of PTA! Maybe PDA? Patent ductus arteriosus?
30. Biceps, triceps and deltoid are upper arm muscles. Forearm muscles are flexor carpi ulnaris and stuff like that
32. Dermatomes are VERY important in neuro exam - go and learn them!
37. Normal values are easy. You just have to remember the numbers "35" and "45", ie normal value for sodium is roughly 135-145, for potassium it's 3.5 to 4.5, haemoglobin roughly 135-145
Hope you've learned something from this :) Bibi

AiLing said...

Lynnx01:- haha, yeah!

Bibi- hey jie, yep, thanks for all the extra info! ;)

lynn-w said..., it does make sounds like i'm a medic student! aha...

except there are some stuff that i'm not sure...haha..but, Bibi, thanks for the normal values! ehe..

i do need to remember normal values for blood analysis...

morning stiffness more than 30 mins is one of the diagnostic criteria for RA

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