Thursday, April 17, 2008

IMU Idol

Just attended the IMU Idol finals earlier in the night. I sacrificed watching American Idol on TV to watch this ;)'s not really a sacrifice....since if you have a choice to watch strangers perform on TV or go to watch people you actually know in person perform live and you get to support and vote for them....of course I'll go with the later! my batchmates Weilin, Ming Hui and Cheng all did a great job!! *applauds* Cheng Yee....if you ever read this....I admire your courage to step up again despite the initial drawback. That's the spirit! Weilin, I know you did your very best, good job! :) I still hold on to my opinion (thanks for listening :D) that 'You Raise Me Up' is a very powerful song. Ming were your usual jolly self. Love it!

The person who emerged the eventual winner was Jade, a semester 1 medic student. I'm happy for her, I think she did great! :) I loved her outfit and her gentle voice. She must be really grateful for all the support she got from her batchmates and her family members who were also there to see her perform.

And Kelvin, don't know whether you still read this, but glad to see you there and playing an important role in this event :) Hope all is well with you, and really hope to catch up with you sometime soon. We'll always be there for you if you need us.

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