Some old pics that I dug up from my photobucket album
I realize that sometimes it's hard for people to get to know me or understand me better. After all, I am more of an introvert type- prefering to keep things/opinions to myself and saying things to myself in my mind rather than saying it out. As a result, people tend to see me as quiet. Plus the fact that I always tend to think very carefully what I want to say and whether it's appropriate for me to say it out first before I actually say something. Throw in the fact that I hate offending people. But the irony is- I still end up offending people anyways, with the few words/sentences that I use. And add in the fact that I always have this serious look on my face, no matter how I'm feeling (even when happy). Hey, it's my 'default' look ok? ;)Smiling actually takes conscious effort on my part, so if I smile at you, it's a meaningful one, meaning I really appreciate you. :)
I don't know about you- but I personally believe that having a natural sense of humour is a gift from God. Some people have this inborn ability to make everyone laugh and cheer up and feel at ease in their presence. I'm not one of them- although I wish too.
It does get frustrating sometimes, when I try to crack a joke- but am greeted by total silence. And then I would think 'oops....have I said something wrong?' Or like just now when I tried to create a light conversation with my housemate- and she thought that I was being too sensitive about an issue.
I guess I'm just a naturally intense person, who doesn't lighten up easily, and so people tend to become 'intense' too around me.
Do you readers know one of the main reasons I blog? (besides being an outlet for expressing my thoughts through writing and as a journal for memories).
Yes.....I blog so that people can get to know me better. I'm sure that many of you can attest to the fact that you know me much better by reading my blog. ;)
Although I'm someone who gets easily frustrated about things, a careless and a quiet type- but I'm also just someone with a simple mindset- with full of love and warmth to give people- but unfortunately not displaying it too well.
hehe..chill.....i think most ppl at first look will think i'm super strict, serious, unfriendly..but when they get to me..keke..i can be v crazy!
no worries, just be urself! becoz tat is who u are!
omigosh i have totally the same problem with my face too.. (i blogged abt it before!)
most ppl wud take my default look as serious/fierce when actually im just feeling normal.. go figure.
i guess we cant choose our faces but then we can change them! im now trying to smile more.. and be more open with conversing ppl. since im going to offend ppl accidentally anyway, might as well do it in a totally friendly way and apologize in case we really do offend haha.. =)
Well, my current default look is sick. People always think I am sick no matter how chubby I am. HAhahahaha
Lynnwei:- ok, to tell you the truth- since that day you went to church with us was the very first time I met you, I don't think you look strict at all! yep.
zzzyun:- I can't speak for others, but I don't think you look fierce. Maybe your thick eyebrows make you look that way to others? :P
lynnxuan:- you know what? 'Sick' is my default look as well. A lot of times, people would tell me- 'You look rather pale today' or 'you look stressed/sick'. Blame it on low Hb levels? Heh ;)
i really like chc...u can ask lynnxuan..ahha..i always like ps.kevin..ekeke
i pray that you'll grow more in God!!!!
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