Thursday, March 15, 2007

Urrrghh....what tough luck!!

Urrghhh....a very frustrating thing happened to me. Can you guess what it is? precious laptop just completely shutdown and now I cannot even access Microsoft Windows. Which means that....I practically cannot do anything on my laptop anymore.
My Nursing Week report, which I had carefully typed out a couple of nights ago....and didn't bother to save in my pendrive.....gone....MARA report which I have to attach to the loan application form....gone....
Arrrghhhh!!! *cries*
And now I am in the E-lab, having to retype everything again. This teaches me an important all my documents in my pendrive immediately, just in case something occurs out of the blue to my laptop. My precious time typing out these things for the past few days- which could've been well-spent on revising for the upcoming assessment- all wasted. :/
All the Survivor and Apprentice episodes that I've downloaded from tvtorrents over these past couple of months ( I have yet to find the time to sit down at watch them- was planning to do so during the holidays) all GONE!!! All the electricity wasted on leaving the laptop on while downloading....gone.... ( I know these aren't important stuff, but when you have saved all these downloaded episodes onto your computer and suddenly you discover that you have to download them all over's frustrating)
Now the only option I have is to bring the laptop to Low Yat plaza or somewhere else to service it. Hopefully cousin Mervin and his gang of friends can help me to bring it there this weekend.
You know the feeling....when something that is so integral in your life is just suddenly snatched away from you without prior warning? You feel hopeless, lost... That is human nature...we wouldn't appreciate the luxuries and blessings we have in our daily lives, and take it for granted until it is taken away from us. Then we miss the thing like crazy. The same goes to the people around us- our friends and family. We never tend to appreciate them until one day....fate takes them away from us. Then we weep for just one more day....just one more moment to spend with them.
Appreciate whatever you have now peeps! Before it is taken away from you!

p/s: could it be due to a virus? But I usually visit only safe websites like my email and friendster and FGC. As for the downloads....I have been downloading for quite some time ever since I was in Cardiff, and nothing like this ever happened before. Latent infection anyone? ;)

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