So, yet another year has come and gone. Soon, we'll enter another brand new year.
Now being the end of the year, most of us would take the time to sit back a little and reflect on the events that happened during the past year.
For me, the year 2007 was.....not particularly eventful. But that's good in a way, because it means....peace.
a) EOS1, which I thankfully passed
b) the enjoyable and relaxing holidays after that
c) working in 'the Star'
d) 2nd year of medicine- learning about the heart, lungs, blood, gut
e) oh yes, how can I forget- attending the convocation ceremony, and officially graduating with 2nd class honours in BSc Neuroscience from Cardiff University!
This past couple of weeks has been rather relaxing for me. Sleeping and eating ( both at home and out at coffee shops and restaurants) I did manage to do some revision, although it's progressing rather slowly, I must say.
And I manage to squeeze in some driving too. Lately, I've been having more guts to drive. Before this, I was always afraid of driving for fear of getting into accidents, bumping the car, or what not. But I think it's time for me to cast all these fears aside and just take control of my car. If not, I'll never learn to drive. I did scratch the bottom of the rear of the car once earlier on this week.
And this break has improved my mood too! More rest= a more relaxed and happier Ailing.
See you in 2008!!!
How's revision?
have a blessed 2008!
Lynnx01:- going on steadily but very slowly. Only just about to finish one system.
Lynnwei:- hey Lynn Wei, you too ya! :) Have a blessed 2008!!
May the year 2008 bring lots of blessing to both of you and your family!
ahaha...thank u ailing!
you too!!! ^^
all the best in ur coming exams and semester!
may u see more of God's abundance blessings in your life!!
Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.
Lynnwei:- Hey, thanks ya! May God bless you too! :)
crescenet:- Normally I wouldn't reply , but can't resist the temptation- I don't even know what language this spammer is posting in. My first impression is Spanish- but looking closer, it might not be. Italian? Portugese?
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