Friday, September 12, 2008

Busy life....

More than a week of the MSK (musculoskeletal) system has passed, and I barely have time to breathe. Ok, ok, I'm exaggerating. What I mean is that I barely have any 'me' time anymore. I've to start to learn how to reorganize and repriotize my time.

Everyday, there is something going on. I just feel busy every single day :p Be it cheerleading practice, an afternoon in Seremban, planning for the Malaysian studies project, doing PBL, catching up with lecture notes, or simply catching up with others...

Cheerleading practice is getting on fine now....I am personally quite pleased with the progress we made. If before this week, our entire dance routine was in a mess, but on Monday, Delia (who replaced Shao Wen as our 'eyes' for that day) made us dance in small groups. And we really went through each step one by one. That was when our dance became more synchronized, and everyone including me became more confident of their dance steps.
So now, we've got the basic flow going, all we need is some fine tuning and we are ready!
I really hope that we can win this.....

I'm under the decoration department for the Malaysian studies project. Have to get some material for the 'ketupat' and gather 'angpows' and some other decorations to be set up for the 3 days that the exhibition is on. (22-24th September). This big project is basically for our Malaysian studies assessment. It involves a lot of work and planning (and money), but personally I still prefer this better than having to sit for an exam. :p Oh...and the funds raised will contribute to our convocation magazine fund.

Yesterday, a big group of us went all the way to Seremban to clerk patients. The patient my group got was really great. He had psoriatic arthritis, which is arthritis plus psoriasis. He must have encountered medical students countless times in his life- because the moment we entered the room, he was telling us to look at his hands, and then telling us his entire medical history in chronological order.
We also got to meet many seniors who are now doing their phase 2 in Seremban. (Was overjoyed to see David and Sue Wen especially). I had so many questions to ask them ,so little time. But from what I gather, phase 2 is very different from phase 1. The doctors/lecturers there expect you to know everything. And they expect you to learn everything by yourself. Independent self-learning. Yup. They have to clerk patients in the morning, lectures in the afternoon.... And if you are doing the Surgery rotation, you would be on call at night....and still have to wake up early in the morning.
That would be my life in less than 6 months time......since I'm going to Seremban....
Scary right?

Oh....I finally got to serve in my City Harvest cell group (even if it's just leading games).
Honestly, having all the IMU students in one cell group is a good idea afterall. :)


Zzzyun said...

hello..busy as a bee eh? here i am too free that i wish i hv something to do. but did study a bit la :P

and omg, u met suewen! i miss her too..but nvm im going down seremban in a month's time! Yay for me!!

AiLing said...

Hah, the contrast! Here I am, wishing that I have some time to just relax.

Yep, I met Sue Wen in Seremban :)

Anonymous said...

ai ling dear...hope u'll keep well ya..make sure u dun get sick when the exam is nearing...
all the best for cheerleading..will be watching on youtube!hehe..
take care!!!

AiLing said...

Hey Naomi!! :D

Miss you!! How are things going on for you over there in the UK?
Do take care of yourself ok?
Do keep in touch ya!! Muacks!!

Anonymous said...

I am scared at the thoughts of leaving for PMS..

AiLing said...

And I'm scared at the thoughts of leaving for Seremban :p

Oh well, just lift up everything to God's hands....