Sunday, July 20, 2014

Happy Father's Day!!

This was written on Father's Day...another popular Facebook post...

Growing up without a father, I used to think that a girl does not need a father if she has a mother who can take care of all her needs. I grew up resenting my biological father for just abandoning me and my mother and leaving me with a name which I did not want. Even though I always claimed that I do not need a father in my life- it still affected me somewhat. I lack self-esteem and confidence up till now. It greatly skewed my view on men ( who needs men in their lives?). I have a wonderful mother in my life, who needs a father?
I never knew how much I missed out on a father's love until I ( or rather my mum) met you. You more than made up for the lack of a paternal figure in my life. You are a million times a father to me than my real father will ever be. You taught me how a father's love is like, although I learnt it so late in my life. Although you seldom speak, but your actions say it all. You willingly become my driver when I need to go to a faraway place. You will send me something I've forgotten at home without a single complaint. You tell me not to look down on myself. You hold so much hope and faith in me. And you never fail to cook wonderful dishes for my friends when they come to visit. You're everything a father is and more.
Now I have learnt what a father actually is.
Sorry I take you for granted sometimes. Happy Father's Day!!

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