Monday, April 6, 2009

Things that I've learnt today....

1) Don't mention the age/race of the patient when presenting the case (it is a sensitive issue). Instead, mention the name of the patient. (this is based on lecturer's preference, I think)
2) Look for the underlying reason for the patient's illness.....think of the chief/presenting complaint of the patient and not just report the entire case
3) Don't ever say that patients are uncooperative- they might be confused, depressed, in distress, in pain, etc.
4) Don't ever mention that you cannot communicate with your patients due to language barrier, etc. Eye contact sufficient for communication! You can tell a lot by looking at a patient's eyes , and by just looking at the patient

Of course, this is just the point of view of one lecturer, but it can be helpful for us in the future.
We still have lots to learn!

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