Friday, July 6, 2007

Facing the Giants

I watched a movie called 'Facing The Giants' while attending Sharon's cell group last night.

It was like any other football or soccer team know, those movies whereby the football team starts out losing all the time, and then one day a new coach or player comes and brings astonishing changes to the team. And all of a sudden, the team becomes a champion team.

There is one different touch to this movie though. It brings Christianity teachings into the movie. How the coach, who at one point in his life, found himself with nothing, no hope at all. His football team was losing every single match, he was in danger of losing his job, he discovered that he was sterile, and had barely any money to support himself and his wife.

And he decided to leave it all up to the Lord and give Him thanks no matter what. And of course things began to take a turn for the better.

The team went on to the state championships, where they faced a team much bigger team and won.

The moral of the movie is..... 'It may seem impossible, but with God, nothing is impossible.'

Let us bravely face our 'giants' everyday of our lives!
p.s. I used the RM300 I earnt from my stint in 'The Star' to treat all my mum's staff and also my family members. Gave some money to Uncle David, and that left me about RM150 to buy Lost season 1 DVD!! And that's the thing that is keeping me occupied for these past few days.
p.p.s Am heading off to Europe on July 11th. I think I'll have one more post before I leave! Don't miss me ya! ;)


LX said...

So sweet of you to give your Uncle David some money. Have a wonderful Europe trip!

AiLing said...
