I'm back from KKB, short for Kuala Kubu Baru. You see, it is part of our Rotation Posting.
I find it good training to be posted to such a rural area at this early stage of our medical studies. It helps prepare us both mentally and physically for what we would go through when we are being posted to rural areas when we become Medical Officers in the future.
It was nothing short of interesting.......
What do you want me to talk about....the good side or the bad side of kkb?
Oklah....I'll give you the good first ;)
1) We witness a delivery!! Well, several actually, but we girls actually were there for an entire delivery process on Sunday night. It was enthusiasm on our part too, changing to our lab coats right after dinner and walking back to the hospital wards, waiting outside Ward 5, and pestering the nurses there every once in a while :p It looked like such a painful process!! The mother was letting out intermittent screams of pain. She was in the second stage of labor and the two nurses (maybe one midwife?) was encouraging her to push. It is...amazing how huge a vaginal hole can be during delivery....
The placental delivery is the most gross part. So much blood involved, so messy.
The most painful part seemed to be when the nurse was stitching up the episotomy wound. The mother was wincing in pain.
The baby, a boy, just couldn't stop crying from the moment he was born until we finally left the ward actually the entire procedure.
2) Learning stuff
Ok, not the most interesting thing, but that is the main reason we went there anyways. To clerk patients......taking their proper history and performing physical examination on them. I was paired up with Jon, which was great :) We worked well together as a team. Today Dr. Lim (whom I like) went through some physical examination with us as well.
3) Food
The food in kkb isn't bad at all. (excluding lunch in the hospital canteen, hahah). We went to 98 restaurant during the 1st and 3rd night, and visited the Pasar Malam on Tuesday night. So much delicious food on sale! :p
4) Friends
Last but not least, the group of people you are stuck in kkb with :p They make the stay much more tolerable. My 7 roommates- Alicia Sii, Doreen, Sandy, Vivien, Pei Chii and Sara Teh.....it's great being in a room with them :)
The late night snacks, movies (since Pei Chii, Doreen and I brought our laptops), the chatting, Sandy singing song from 'A Walk to Remember' over and over again while counting down the no. of days left till we leave kkb....... Getting to know Sara and Doreen and Pei Chii and the Malay and Indian girls better.....
The surprise birthday party for Lameena.
And thanks Doreen for letting me place my laptop at the boot of your car all the time! :p
And the bad....
a) Insects:- mosquitoes, creepy crawlies everywhere
b) Cold showers
c) Dirty toilets- one of my biggest pet peeves, I've to admit. I take toilet hygiene very seriously!
d) The nurses.....they are not the friendliest bunch, mostly just ignoring us medical students.
Oh well....guess they are too busy with their daily work....