Wednesday, April 19, 2006

I hate Neuroscience!!

I hate Neuroscience!! Current mood: bored
I really hate the course that I am doing now. I have absolutely no passion whatsforever for it. And I am studying just for the heck of it. I can't imagine having to earn a living in the future setting up experimental apparatus in the lab( or rather trying to) and reading journals. I really can't. And I never can do well in my exams ( although somehow I made it to the final year). The lecture notes that are handed out to us are just very short, compact notes which contain very little information. And so we have to read as many journals as possible in order to do well in the exams, and remember all the facts like who wrote the journal and which year exactly did they conduct the experiment and write the journal. I find it impossible to remember every single thing.I don't know what to do. I feel overwhelmed right now, I don't think I'll be able to remember a single thing come exam time, which is what always happens to me each time anyways.I'm so over the course, I'm so over studying and exams. Although I really shouldn't be complaining, because everyone hates studying and exams anyways. :/

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