Saturday, March 14, 2015


Depression is....forcing yourself to smile to others even when you don't feel like smiling inside.
Depression is....putting on a mask everyday when you go out and you're only able to take off the mask once you are totally alone.
Depression is....finding daily tasks such as getting up, going to work, etc just another boring chore.
Depression is....finding only momentary solitude and happiness in things you enjoy such as Facebook, going online, eating good food and attending movies. When the moment ends, so does your happiness.
Depression is.... wondering why others can smile and laugh so easily , but for you it's something you have to force yourself very hard to do.
Depression is.....often misunderstood, as people would think that you are being ungrateful, unappreciative, a sour puss, not a great person to be around, when in actual fact, that it not the case at all.
But it is real, as I am experiencing right now. And as depression is still viewed as a social stigma in my country, and no one really understands when you tell them, especially since you have everything you need in life ( family, job, huge house, etc.) and would ask ' What more could you possible want?'
Let me tell you this, depression is real. Please do not underestimate the importance of recognizing and treating depression, and please do reach out to someone who is depressed. They really need you right now. They might be feeling so alone and thinking that no one understand them, and feeling like they are sinking into a dark black hole and there is no one to help them. You might save a life.

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