Wednesday, December 17, 2008

If I were a boy....

There is a new song from Beyonce playing on the radio everyday now.
It begins with the line ' If I were a boy.....' me thinking....if I were a would life be? Would it be different from my current life? I dunno. I don't think so. I think I am very lucky compared to women in other parts of the world.

And recently, there is this sudden outburst from Malaysian women, who complain about their husbands coming home late every night. It was such an uproar that they even pasted the pictures of their respective husbands on the wall of a prominent bustop!

Just now during lunch....a coursemate/friend of mine expressed his opinion that doing housework is a woman's job. I beg to this modern world, where we women also have to go out to work and also come back as tired and as worn out as you expect us to still muster the energy to clean up the entire house, while you sit in front of the TV with your coffee?
Is that really fair?

Ok, I'll stop here for now before I go too overboard. I need to go back to my studies.....I don't even know whether I have the time to go through pbls and Health Issues....and yet I'm still here online. ....:p My lame excuse is that the house connection is so slow....


Zzzyun said...

i agree with u! if both the man and woman are working, they shld share out the hsework as it is only fair or else the woman will be so worn out from work and hsehold affairs. wic isnt a healthy thing.

a guy who thinks otherwise is only thinking of himself and not of his wife.

ps: i saw the newspaper article abt the photographs of 'missing' husbands on the bus stop! damn funny. at least now they know women arent sucha pushover now! hah.

AiLing said...

Yeah... and I saw the article about the reason that these men gave. Bad odours? Hmmm.....

Zzzyun said...

yah, i saw the reason they gave was "bad odours!!" what a stupid reason. this is all just a marketing scheme to advertise their ambi pure thing -_-