Saturday, May 30, 2015

All I want

All I want is to be appreciated by others.
I just want someone to tell me that I am alright, that I am loved, that I am worth it.
I am sure I have some good traits in me too, something special about me which others and even I myself cannot see.

Monday, May 25, 2015


I never seem to be important enough for anyone ( except maybe my mom)....once I am out of sight, I am out of mind.... Everytime I go to a new place..  people in the old place will just forget about me....I am so forgettable. I bet when I leave this world, no one will miss me....I am just a tiny speckle of dust after all....
Who cares about me?  No one will read this anyways.... This is my secret about how I feel about myself....useless, hopeless, without a future.  I'll never get married or have children,  I'll die alone.  That's the reason why I want to die young...